Saturday, September 22, 2012


Hank, Ellie and I headed to Southern California for a wedding.  Cousin Heidi got hitched on 8-4-12 to Joe.  Congratulations to you two!
On our way, we stopped at the Anderson's Pea Soup Cafe and Shop, just to take these photos.  On the way home three days later we stopped to get some lunch, do a bathroom break and gas up.  It is going to be a tradition for us from now on.  We had a great time looking at all the nic nacks and treasures in the shop.  We got a gift, and a magnet for the refrigerator.

 Ellie Girl!
 Hankie Boy!
We ate lots of snacks on our way down to Sunny SO CAL. 
 Guess what Ellie just ate, yep, you guessed it, chocolate covered pretzels.  YUMMY!
 The Aunts and Uncles and Cousins were such a help to me, my kids were a little fussy and tired during the trip, but we had so much fun!  Couldn't have done it without you all!  Thanks a million!
 Ellie Girl, had such a great time at the Reception!
 Some of the girl cousins!  Wahoo for Cousins.  Sarah, Gretch, Chelsea, Kira and Katy.
 Ellie with Sarah, sister of the Bride and the Bride- Heidi.

Ellie got lots of love from all the Uncles and Aunties.  Here she is with Uncle Greg dancin' the night away!!

And here, she is getting some loving from Uncle Ray, he was whispering in her ear, she just loved it.

Hank sure does love Balloons!
Jayne and I, and Kate.  Kate is just a little younger than Ellie.  Jayne and I both have two kids, our firsts were born 5 days apart, Hank then Brooke.

 Here are the Bride and Groom right after their Sealing in the Newport Beach Temple.
Heidi and Joe!
 This cute couple, Alyce and Daniel, got married just two weeks earlier!  It was really nice to meet Alyce.  I wasn't able to make it for there wedding, which was a bummer. 
This was one serious talk with Uncle Marty! 

A trip to Stinson Beach!

In August we went to the Beach!   It was so fun.  It was such a great trip.  The drive was beautiful, the sand was soft and cozy.  The friends were fun and interesting.  We had a fabulous time.
Here Ellie is trying to get unburried.  Hank is glad it isn't him. 
My friend Kate took this picture.  So I am the mom who's bent over, the other mom is my good friend Naomi.  She has two boys, with another on the way.  Wahoo for babies!

These pictures are fun, because I am in them, never do I have my own photographer, I have to say, I like it.  I am the kind of person who likes attention.  Not normal for a mom, I know.

Weather get really warm so we can go to Stinson Beach again!

Tuesday, September 18, 2012

Remember when....

Ellie was so tiny?  I need another one!!  We'll see.
In this picture she is about a month old.