Tuesday, January 5, 2010

Pictures from December 2009!

A family Train Ride! Brent took the Picture.
This cute couple was on the train too!
Hank didn't like them at all!!!

Afton taking a picture of....

Mark and Hank

Aunt Sarah, Grandma and Hank

Our train ride ended and this is what the train looked like!

Christmas morning!
I made Mark a quilt, using some of our old T-shirts!

Mak gave me a new diaper bag!

Christmas Eve!
We, Lewis's make gingerbread houses every Chrismas season!

Playing around Christmas Eve!

Wahoo! Presents!
Grandpa and Grandma Hinkson sent a big box with presents inside!
Hank got to open one the very night they arrived!!

Hank got an ear infection mid December, this on one of the I am feeling better moments while he was sick. A sick baby is one of the saddest things that life offers.

The poor guy had no clothes on under the blanket, he had such a high fever. Poor baby!

This was the first time he had not been whimpering or crying since he got sick. He actually was showing interest in food, so we gave him what he wanted, a cheeto and ice cream.
It was Aunt Aftons birthday party! Hank gave her a shirt, for himself to wear!
This was another moment during his sick time, that he has some energy!