Friday, November 26, 2010

That is one relaxed boy!
Most people have quirks or "things", one of Hanks things is sucking on blankets.
It can be startling if you go to snuggle up with a blanket, and it is stinky and wet!

Hank loves to use his tools. He knows how to use them correctly too!

Look at that cute face!


  1. Oh my gosh, Gretchen its natalie speirs, jones now. But I was blog surfing and found yours. You guys are such a cute little fam. You look so good.
    Good to catch up and see what your up to

  2. Mallory sucks on her blanket too .. it's SO gross! I hate it. She has been doing it for years now. I wonder when she will grow out of it.

  3. Oh no! Sucking on blankets for years- Thanks for the heads up!
