Monday, May 28, 2012

Ellie can walk!

OK, I tried and tried to upload a video of Ellie walking, but it must be too long.  I will try to video her again soon, and then share her skills!

She can take up to 4 maybe 6 steps.  She is doing so good.  This all started Monday night!!!  Memorial day is memoriable for more than the people we have lost.  Ellie's life and her remarkable abilities and strengths are a special memory for us and a great blessing!

Thanks to all of you and your prayers!!!  We can never repay all of you for the miracle girl we have! We are so indebt to our Eternal Father (God).  I need to also thank all those nurses, midwives, Doctors (of all kinds) Therapists, and social workers and Kaiser Permanente staff that help us.  Ellie's core temperature being cooled right after birth for three days is also why she is doing so well, and ending up pretty normal!  Her brain swelling calmed down quickly and didn't have the ability to cause more damage, after the initial shock of the lack of oxygen.  OK, happy Thursday everyone!  Say a prayer and thank our Heavenly Father for all we have.  :)

1 comment:

  1. This is fantastic news!! She truly is a miracle and blessing wrapped up in the cutest little bundle. I'm loving your new family picture at the top of your blog. SOO stinkin' cute! Oh and by the way...I'm a horrible friend for not getting back to you (multiple times!). I promise I've been thinking of you and MEANING to call!! OK, I'm going to make it happen, and soon!! Love you!
